Friday, February 20, 2009

A change in the weather....Freezing to Melting!!

The day we left Utah to come back to the island, it was freezing. My dad had to take us to the airport because the roads were horrible and he is the only one with 4-wheel drive. Nyah did get some good quality time in the snow before we came back though!

For this trip back, we decided to get Nyah her own "rolling princess bag". Boy was she excited. Usually we have to put her in her stroller or she runs crazy but with her princess bag, she listened to every word and followed us everywhere. I think she thought she was such a big girl pulling her suitcase just like mommy and daddy. Best investment ever!!!

We decided that since we were traveling with a newborn and a 2 year old that a 14 hr. layover would be spent best at a hotel so we stayed the night in Atlanta. We had a ton of luggage so everyone kept asking us if we were moving. We just laughed and said sure. So staying the night in Atlanta made the trip so much easier. Nyah wasn't as exhausted and Cliff and I actually enjoyed traveling. That is until we got to St. Maarten.

The day we left Atlanta we had a 4 1/2 hour flight to St. Maarten. Not that bad I agree. Well we were supposed to only have a 2 hour layover in St. Maarten and it turned out to be closer to almost 5. We were so exhausted and Nyah couldn't handle sitting anymore. To top it off, the plane we flew on to St. Kitts only fit about 10 people. It was the smallest plane I have ever seen in my life. Let me just explain how small; I had to almost get on my knees to get through the door, no flight attendant, we didn't have seatbelts because let's be honest you go down in one of these you don't have a chance, and the pilot didn't have a seperate cabin he was sitting right in front of us. I hated it the whole time!! Here I am with my 2 year old and newborn baby thinking I've made it this far and this is the way I'm gonna die...... In a dinky little airplane not even 20 minutes from our island??? Well obviously we made it but I will never fly Win-air again!!

1 comment:

tootallstrupp said...

Ha Ha, oh my goodness that plane was TINY!! I am SO GLAD that you made it to the island safely! lol What a crazy trip. My favorite photo is of Nyah on the moving walkway with a big smile on her face. I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THAT GIRL! We love you, thanks for sharing!!