Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cousins, Camping, and the Cool Mountain Air!

Well as most of you know, we no longer live in St. Kitts. On August 15th we made the long journey back to the good ol' U.S.A. Just in time for my mommy's birthday, some fun with my cousins, Nyah and Saibra's cousins and who-ever elses cousins happened to be around. We had great food, went camping in the beautiful Uinta mountains, and took the girls to Provo Falls. Oh how I missed the mountains!!!!


Burt Family said...

I love the pic of Nyah in the tube! What fun!

grammie kim said...

love the hair cut lisa. So go to my blog and give me the scoop on what you are all doing, we never hear from the parents, so I am clueless. My posts go to my email so i won't publish if you don't want me to. but tell me what is going on, or email me at

Vagabond Mother said...

Hi, you don't know me but my husband is starting at UMHS this January. I was wondering if I could email you some questions I had about the island? My email is and I hope to hear from you! I have two little boys and am pretty anxious about everything. Thanks!